a feeling of worry, nervousness,
or unease about something
with an uncertain outcome.
How do you get ready for an interview? I believe for one to answer this properly, the parameters of an interview process must be defined clearly. When does an interview begin? When does it end? What is required of an individual during this process? It is my hope that at the end of this article, the interview process shall be a fortunate stroke of serendipity.
The Start.
An interview process begins the moment you decide to write up your resume, yes, because success has to be envisioned first for it to be manifested into the physical. Visualize yourself in the position you would like to hold and write your resume from the point of having the job. If you were the interviewer, what kind of CV would impress you? What kind of person (on paper) do you envision sitting on that desk? Then write your resume to fit the position you would like. This involves highlighting aspects that the job description requires vividly, and if possible, give detailed explanations of problems you’ve solved previously that are relevant to your position. This can be changed accordingly depending on the position, meaning you can have multiple CVs that highlight specific aspects of your achievement depending on the position advertised. Let me use a very broad example to emphasize this point. Wingu is an I.T person, he has worked as a networking engineer, a programmer and in I.T security. Wingu is now applying for a position as Head of I.T Support in company X. Being a good interviewee, Wingu, therefore, highlights his achievement in network engineering as that would be most relevant for the position he is applying for.
The bump.
Well then, now that we’ve started in success, the next step is actively looking for positions in companies you would like to work in. Instead of waiting to see a, we are hiring posters, visit the company websites and linkedin pages for available openings and opportunities that could help you put one foot inside the door. This is because, most companies nowadays, due to the hundreds/thousands of applications they receive, tend not to publicly advertise open positions and instead opt to post on their websites and social media pages. Once you’ve successfully applied for the position, get your mind off it and focus on matters that are in your control. I know this concept is easier said than done, so feel free to include measures to help you achieve it, this can include seeking help from a deity.
The door.
Once you’ve gotten the call inviting you for a physical or online meet-up with the interviewing panel, do not let your mind get into a state of panic as to whether you’ll get the position or not, choose instead to breathe and thank the deity you sort out earlier. Remember, you were called because you possess the skills they require so the meet-up part of the interview seeks to sell the person, you. Ensure that you have done thorough research on the company, what activities are they currently involved in? Who are their competitors? What’s their mission and how have they managed to achieve it so far?
The end.
On the day you walk in the door, ensure you’re appropriately dressed and groomed for the position you are applying for. Attend the interview as one who already has the job. During the interview, find ways to break the ice by using light banter, asking questions about the company, the position and your soon to be teammates, focus on selling yourself and not your skills, unless requested to, as those were already highlighted on your resume. Try your best to answer each question honestly and to the best of your knowledge, what you do not know, you don’t know but be sure to indicate that you’re eager to learn.
With that, I wish you all the best.